2013年8月18日 星期日

[MARC 21]MARC21 for bibliographic data-Leader


Character positions Value

00-04          Record length

05             Record status
               a    Increase in encoding level
               c    Corrected or revised
               d    Deleted
               n    New
               p    Increase in encoding level from prepublication

06             Type of record
               a    Language material
               c    Notated music
               d    Manuscript notated music
               e    Cartographic material
               f    Manuscript cartographic material
               g    Projected media
               i    Nonmusical sound recording
               j    Musical sound recording
               k    Two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic
               m    Computer file
               o    Kit
               p    Mixed material
               r    Three-dimensional artifact or naturally occurring object

07             Bibliographic level
               a    Monographic component part
               b    Serial component part
               c    Collection
               d    Subunit
               i    Integrating resource
               m    Monograph/item
               s    Serial

08             Type of control 
               #    No specific type
               a    Archival

09             Character coding scheme 
               #    MARC-8
               a    UCS/Unicode 

10             Indicator count

11             Subfield code count

12-16          Base address of data

17             Encoding Level
                    Full level
               1    Full record, material not examined
               2    Less-than-full level, material not examined
               3    Abbreviated title
               4    Core level
               5    Partial (preliminary) level
               7    Minimal level
               8    Prepublication level
               u    Unknown
               z    Not applicable

18             Descriptive cataloguing form
               a    AACR2
               i    ISBD
               u    unknown

19             Linked record requirement
                    Related record not required
               r    Related record required

20             Length of the length-of-field portion

21             Length of the starting-character-position portion

22             Length of the implementation-defined portion

23             Undefined Entry map character position

