2013年8月18日 星期日

[MARC 21]MARC21 for bibliographic data-008 Computer Files

008            Computer Files

     18-21     Undefined
               Each contains a blank (#) or fill character (|)

     22        Target audience
               #    Unknown or not specified
               a    Preschool
               b    Primary
               c    Pre-adolescent
               d    Adolescent
               e    Adult
               f    Specialized
               g    General
               j    Juvenile
               |    No attempt to code

     23-25     Undefined
               Each contains a blank (#) or fill character (|)

     26        Type of computer file
               a    Numeric data
               b    Computer program
               c    Representational
               d    Document
               e    Bibliographic data
               f    Font
               g    Game
               h    Sound
               i    Interactive multimedia
               j    Online system or service
               m    Combination
               u    Unknown
               z    Other
               |    No attempt to code

     27        Undefined
               Contains a blank (#) or fill character (|)

     28        Government publication
               #    Not a government publication
               a    Autonomous or semi-autonomous component
               c    Multilocal
               f    Federal/national
               i    International intergovernmental
               l    Local
               m    Multistate
               o    Government publication--level undetermined
               s    State, provincial, territorial, dependent, etc.
               u    Unknown if item is government publication
               z    Other
               |    No attempt to code

     29-34     Undefined
               Each contains a blank (#) or fill character (|)

