008 Maps 18-21 Relief # No relief shown a Contours b Shading c Gradient tints d Hachures e Bathymetry/soundings f Form lines g Spot heights i Pictorially j Land forms k Bathymetry/isolines m Rock drawings z Other relief type | No attempt to code 22-23 Projection ## Projection not specified aa Aitoff ab Gnomic ac Lambert's azimuthal equal area ad Orthographic ae Azimuthal equidistant af Stereographic ag General vertical near-sided am Modified stereographic for Alaska an Chamberlin trimetric ap Polar stereographic au Azimuthal, specific type unknown az Azimuthal, other ba Gall bb Goode's homolographic bc Lambert's cylindrical equal area bd Mercator be Miller bf Mollweide bg Sinusoidal bh Transverse Mercator bi Gauss-Kruger bj Equirectangular bk Krovak bl Cassini-Soldner bo Oblique Mercator br Robinson bs Space oblique Mercator bu Cylindrical, specific type unknown bz Cylindrical, other ca Alber's equal area cb Bonne cc Lambert's conformal conic ce Equidistant conic cp Polyconic cu Conic, specific type unknown cz Conic, other da Armadillo db Butterfly dc Eckert dd Goode's homolosine de Miller's bipolar oblique conformal conic df Van Der Grinten dg Dimaxion dh Cordiform dl Lambert conformal zz Other || No attempt to code 24 Undefined (previously Prime meridian) Each contains a blank (#) or fill character (|) 25 Type of cartographic material a Single map b Map series c Map serial d Globe e Atlas f Separate map supplement to another work g Map bound as part of another work u Unknown z Other | No attempt to code 26-27 Undefined Each contains a blank (#) or fill character (|) 28 Government publication # Not a government publication a Autonomous or semi-autonomous component c Multilocal f Federal/national i International intergovernmental l Local m Multistate o Government publication--level undetermined s State, provincial, territorial, dependent, etc. u Unknown if item is government publication z Other | No attempt to code 29 Form of item # None of the following a Microfilm b Microfiche c Microopaque d Large print f Braille r Regular print reproduction s Electronic | No attempt to code 30 Undefined Each contains a blank (#) or fill character (|) 31 Index 0 No index 1 Index present | No attempt to code 32 Undefined; contains a blank (#) or fill character (|) 33-34 Special format characteristics # No specified special format characteristics e Manuscript j Picture card, post card k Calendar l Puzzle n Game o Wall map p Playing cards r Loose-leaf z Other | No attempt to code
2013年8月18日 星期日
[MARC 21]MARC21 for bibliographic data-008 Maps
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