2013年8月18日 星期日

[MARC 21]MARC21 for bibliographic data-008 Continuing resources

008            Continuing resources

     18        Frequency
               #    No determinable frequency
               a    Annual
               b    Bimonthly
               c    Semiweekly
               d    Daily
               e    Biweekly
               f    Semiannual
               g    Biennial
               h    Triennial
               i    Three times a week
               j    Three times a month
               k    Continuously updated
               m    Monthly
               q    Quarterly
               s    Semimonthly
               t    Three times a year
               u    Unknown
               w    Weekly
               z    Other
               |    No attempt to code

     19        Regularity
               n    Normalized irregular
               r    Regular
               u    Unknown
               x    Completely irregular
               |    No attempt to code

     20        Undefined
               Contains a blank (#) or fill character

     21        Type of continuing resource
               #    None of the following
               d    Updating database
               l    Updating loose-leaf
               m    Monographic series
               n    Newspaper
               p    Periodical
               w    Updating Web site
               |    No attempt to code

     22        Form of original item
               #    None of the following
               a    Microfilm
               b    Microfiche
               c    Microopaque
               d    Large print
               e    Newspaper format
               f    Braille
               s    Electronic

     23        Form of item
               #    None of the following
               a    Microfilm
               b    Microfiche
               c    Microopaque
               d    Large print
               f    Braille
               r    Regular print reproduction
               s    Electronic
               |    No attempt to code

     24        Nature of entire work
               #    No specified nature of entire work
               a    Abstracts/summaries
               b    Bibliographies
               c    Catalogs
               d    Dictionaries
               e    Encyclopedias
               f    Handbooks
               g    Legal articles
               h    Biography
               i    Indexes
               k    Discographies
               l    Legislation
               m    Theses
               n    Surveys of literature in a subject area
               o    Reviews
               p    Programmed texts
               q    Filmographies
               r    Directories
               s    Statistics
               t    Technical reports
               v    Legal cases and case notes
               w    Law reports and digests
               z    Treaties
               |    No attempt to code

     25-27     Nature of contents
               #    No specified nature of contents
               a    Abstracts/summaries
               b    Bibliographies
               c    Catalogs
               d    Dictionaries
               e    Encyclopedias
               f    Handbooks
               g    Legal articles
               h    Biography
               i    Indexes
               k    Discographies
               l    Legislation
               m    Theses
               n    Surveys of literature in a subject area
               o    Reviews
               p    Programmed texts
               q    Filmographies
               r    Directories
               s    Statistics
               t    Technical reports
               u    Standards/specifications
               v    Legal cases and case notes
               w    Law reports and digests
               z    Treaties
               |    No attempt to code

     28        Government publication
               #    Not a government publication
               a    Autonomous or semi-autonomous component
               c    Multilocal
               f    Federal/national
               i    International intergovernmental
               l    Local
               m    Multistate
               o    Government publication--level undetermined
               s    State, provincial, territorial, dependent, etc.
               u    Unknown if item is government publication
               z    Other
               |    No attempt to code

     29        Conference publication
               0    Not a conference publication
               1    Conference publication
               |    No attempt to code

     30-32     Undefined; each contains a blank (#) or fill character (|)

     33        Original alphabet or script of title
               #    No alphabet or script given/no key title
               a    Basic roman
               b    Extended roman
               c    Cyrillic
               d    Japanese
               e    Chinese
               f    Arabic
               g    Greek
               h    Hebrew
               i    Thai
               j    Devanagari
               k    Korean
               l    Tamil
               u    Unknown
               z    Other
               |    No attempt to code

     34        Entry convention
               0    Successive entry
               1    Latest entry
               2    Integrated entry
               |    No attempt to code

