* OCLC format additions
** Local format additions
Italics indicate obsolete field
** Local format additions
Italics indicate obsolete field
00X | Control fields - General information |
001 | Control number |
003 | Control number identifier |
005 | Date and time of latest transaction |
006 | Fixed-length data elements--Additional material characteristics |
007 | Physical description fixed field |
008 | Fixed-length data elements |
01X-09X | Variable data fields - General information |
010 | Library of Congress control number |
013 | Patent control information |
015 | National bibliography number |
016 | National bibliographic agency control number |
017 | Copyright or legal deposit number |
018 | Copyright article-fee code |
019 | Superseded OCLC control number* |
020 | International standard book number |
022 | International standard serial number |
024 | Other standard identifier |
025 | Overseas acquisition number |
026 | Fingerprint identifier |
027 | Standard technical report number |
028 | Publisher number |
030 | Coden designation |
031 | Musical incipits information |
032 | Postal registration number |
033 | Date/time and place of an event |
034 | Coded cartographic mathematical data |
035 | System control number |
036 | Original study number for computer data files |
037 | Source of acquisition |
038 | Record content licensor |
039 | [Level of bibliographic control & coding detail] |
040 | Cataloguing source |
041 | Language code |
042 | Authentication code |
043 | Geographic area code |
044 | Country of publishing/producing entity code |
045 | Time period of content |
046 | Special coded dates |
047 | Form of musical composition code |
048 | Number of musical instruments or voices code |
050 | Library of Congress call number |
051 | Library of Congress copy, issue, offprint statement |
052 | Geographic classification |
055 | Classification numbers assigned in Canada |
060 | National Library of Medicine call number |
061 | National Library of Medicine copy statement |
066 | Character sets present |
070 | National Agricultural Library call number |
071 | National Agricultural Library copy statement |
072 | Subject category code |
074 | GPO item number |
080 | Universal decimal classification number |
082 | Dewey decimal classification number |
083 | Additional Dewey decimal classification number |
084 | Other classification number |
086 | Government document classification number |
088 | Report number |
090 | Local call number and holdings data** |
098 | On order information* |
1XX | Main entries - General information |
100 | Main entry - Personal name |
110 | Main entry - Corporate name |
111 | Main entry - Meeting name |
130 | Main entry - Uniform title |
20X-24X | Title and title-related fields - General information |
210 | Abbreviated title |
222 | Key title |
240 | Uniform title |
241 | [Romanized title] |
242 | Translation of title by cataloguing agency |
243 | Collective uniform title |
245 | Title statement |
246 | Varying form of title |
247 | Former title |
250-28X | Edition, imprint, etc. fields - General information |
250 | Edition statement |
254 | Musical presentation statement |
255 | Cartographic mathematical data |
256 | Computer file characteristics |
257 | Country of producing entity |
258 | Philatelic issue data |
260 | Publication, distribution, etc. (Imprint) |
263 | Projected publication date |
270 | Address |
3XX | Physical description, etc. fields - General information |
300 | Physical description |
306 | Playing time |
307 | Hours, etc. |
310 | Current publication frequency |
321 | Former publication frequency |
336 | Content type |
337 | Media type |
338 | Carrier type |
340 | Physical medium |
342 | Geospatial reference data |
343 | Planar coordinate data |
351 | Organization and arrangement of materials |
352 | Digital graphic representation |
355 | Security classification control |
357 | Originator dissemination control |
362 | Dates of publication and/or sequential designation |
365 | Trade price |
366 | Trade availability information |
380 | Form of work |
381 | Other distinguishing characteristics of work |
382 | Medium of performance |
383 | Numeric designation of musical work |
384 | Key |
4XX | Series statements - General information |
400 | [Series statement/Added entry - personal name/title] |
410 | [Series statement/Added entry - corporate name/title] |
411 | [Series statement/Added entry - conference or meeting/title] |
440 | [Series statement/Added entry - title] |
490 | Series statement |
5XX | Notes - General information |
500 | General note |
501 | With note |
502 | Dissertation note |
504 | Bibliography, etc. note |
505 | Formatted contents note |
506 | Restrictions on access note |
507 | Scale note for graphic material |
508 | Creation/production credits note |
510 | Citation/references note |
511 | Participant or performer note |
513 | Type of report and period covered note |
514 | Data quality note |
515 | Numbering peculiarities note |
516 | Type of computer file or data note |
518 | Date/time and place of an event note |
520 | Summary, etc. |
521 | Target audience note |
522 | Geographic coverage note |
524 | Preferred citation of described materials note |
525 | Supplement note |
526 | Study program information note |
530 | Additional physical form available note |
533 | Reproduction note |
534 | Original version note |
535 | Location of originals/duplicates note |
536 | Funding information note |
538 | System details note |
540 | Terms governing use and reproduction note |
541 | Immediate source of acquisition note |
542 | Information relating to copyright status |
544 | Location of other archival materials note |
545 | Biographical or historical note |
546 | Language note |
547 | Former title complexity note |
550 | Issuing body note |
552 | Entity and attribute information note |
555 | Cumulative index/finding aids note |
556 | Information about documentation note |
561 | Ownership and custodial history (Provenance) |
562 | Copy and version identification note |
563 | Binding information |
565 | Case file characteristics note |
567 | Methodology note |
580 | Linking entry complexity note |
581 | Publications about described materials note |
583 | Action note |
584 | Accumulation and frequency of use note |
585 | Exhibitions note |
586 | Awards note |
588 | Source of information |
59X | Local notes |
6XX | Subject access fields |
600 | Subject added entry - personal name |
610 | Subject added entry - corporate name |
611 | Subject added entry - meeting name |
630 | Subject added entry - uniform title |
648 | Subject added entry - chronological term |
650 | Subject added entry - topical term |
651 | Subject added entry - geographic name |
653 | Index term - uncontrolled |
654 | Subject added entry - faceted topical terms |
655 | Index term - genre/form |
656 | Index term - occupation |
657 | Index term - function |
658 | Index term - curriculum objective |
680 | PRECIS descriptor string** |
69X | Local subject access fields* |
700-75X | Added entry fields |
700 | Added entry - personal name |
710 | Added entry - corporate name |
711 | Added entry - meeting name |
720 | Added entry - uncontrolled name |
730 | Added entry - uniform title |
740 | Added entry - uncontrolled related/analytical title |
752 | Added entry - hierarchical place name |
753 | System details access to computer files |
754 | Added entry - taxonomic identification |
755 | Added entry - physical characteristics |
76X-78X | Linking entry fields |
760 | Main series entry |
762 | Subseries entry |
765 | Original language entry |
767 | Translation entry |
770 | Supplement/special issue entry |
772 | Parent record entry |
773 | Host item entry |
774 | Constituent unit entry |
775 | Other edition entry |
776 | Additional physical form entry |
777 | Issued with entry |
780 | Preceding entry |
785 | Succeeding entry |
786 | Data source entry |
787 | Nonspecific relationship entry |
800-840 | Series added entry fields |
800 | Series added entry - personal name |
810 | Series added entry - corporate name |
811 | Series added entry - meeting name |
830 | Series added entry - uniform title |
841-88X | Holdings, alternate graphics, etc. - General information |
841 | Holdings coded data values |
842 | Textual physical form designator |
843 | Reproduction note |
844 | Name of unit |
845 | Terms governing use and reproduction note |
850 | Holding institution |
852 | Location |
853 | Captions and pattern -- basic bibliographic unit |
854 | Captions and pattern -- supplementary material |
855 | Captions and pattern -- indexes |
856 | Electronic location and access |
863 | Enumeration and chronology -- basic bibliographic unit |
864 | Enumeration and chronology -- supplementary material |
865 | Enumeration and chronology -- indexes |
866 | Textual holdings -- basic bibliographic unit |
867 | Textual holdings -- supplementary material |
868 | Textual holdings -- indexes |
876 | Item information -- basic bibliographic unit |
877 | Item information -- supplementary material |
878 | Item information -- indexes |
880 | Alternate graphic representation |
886 | Foreign MARC information field |
887 | Non-MARC information field |